China cross-border fintech leader weighs in on future of digital finance in China, Southeast Asia and beyond
The Sharp Edge of High Gas Fees Ethereum, BitCherry: An Alternative Solution to The Ethereum High Gas Fees
SumSwap, which integrates exquisite mathematical models, empowers DeFi with the power of mathematicsAfter rigorously researching lots of of DeFi initiatives out there, the SumSwap staff from Britain discovered that the actual cause for making DeFi standard was mathematical innovation. Solely by means of mathematical innovation can novel initiatives be actua
The person in charge of the GAMMA project said, “We are positioned to create a decentralized global transaction and clearing settlement network protocol. We will adopt a technical solution combining Layer1+Layer2, taking into account asset security, performance, privacy, and decentralization. So as to create an epoch-making new digital asset transaction agreement."
EGG Network Autonomous Dream Works is the creation of unique and complete dehumanization, to comply to the center, is a tolerant polymeric Yongten million application development dynamic financial network.
Decentralized trading projects like sushiswap have achieved rapid success throughout 2020. The reason is actually very simple: users like toacquire new assets around the clock, and all of this does not requirean account to be registered.
Distributed commercial blockchain BitCherry (BCHC) technology can help DEXs? What is DEXs Bitcherry Technology Implementation - P2Plus Network Protocol
We believe that IT is changing and will keep changing the way we live and of course our future. IoT (Internet of Things) has been a major topic of discussion, especially in 2014.
In life, we mainly buy insurance, such as car accident insurance, personal safety insurance, etc., to mitigate certain risks. But when it comes to traditional insurance, you need to find a third-party insurance company, pay hefty fees, and sign an insurance agreement before the insurance company will honor it. The insurance company will then dispense the claims once an incident fulfills the requir