Wallet, third party service platform for global cryptocurrency
Block Interval Set
Wallet, a multinational technology company headquartered in Mount View, California, is a global tripartite service platform, providing a trading platform for more than 100 kinds of cryptocurrencies. Since the beginning of 2018, wallet has exceeded US $1 billion in transaction volume, becoming the largest third-party trading service platform in the world.
The founder of wallet is Paul Buchheit. In January 2014, Paul Buchheit, a doctoral student in science at Stanford University in California, was studying a research project different from the traditional trading method who transformed into a third-party trading platform. Unlike traditional trading platforms, wallet integrates more than 100 trading platforms on the market and develops a new service mode for information integration of all trading platforms. A transaction capture engine is developed to accurately analyze the relationship between websites. This engine called high-frequency trading system evaluates the stability of trading sites by checking the reverse links in web pages. The accuracy of this engine is better than any other search technologies at that time.
On September 4, 2016, wallet was founded in the form of a private company with the purpose of more efficient, stable and convenient trading engine. As of January 2018, wallet has entered into partnerships with up to 100 cryptocurrency exchanges, with a market valuation of US $9.8 billion.
In response to the needs of global users, wallet has created data centers in the United States and even around the world. By the end of 2019, wallet has set up a total of 12 data centers in the United States (6), Chile, Belgium, Ireland, Finland, Singapore and Taiwan, and other data centers are under construction. Among them, Taiwan data center is the largest one in Asia.