High-profile UD(Unlimited Dimension) Team's First Project DODOOR NFT On Sale for Just $80
Recently, an NFT project called DODOOR created by Team UD has been discussed frequently in the NFT industry, and its official Twitter has attracted lots of NFT enthusiasts.
Image credit: Unlimited Dimension
According to the official announcement, DODOOR NFT as the first project that team UD(Unlimited Dimension) decided to launch, has 1,000 limited collections, but the followers on its official Twitter is more than 200,000, under the circumstances that demand exceeds supply, more and more people are curious about the minting price.
DODOOR NFT took the team about 1 year’s hard work to complete, and there are only 1,000 collections, really rare. People are guessing that the minting price of DODOOR NFT might be set at least over 1 ETH (about $1,600), there are also quite a few NFT enthusiasts and influential even claims that based on the exploding heat of this project, it will not be a surprise if team UD(Unlimited Dimension) sets the price for DODOOR NFT at 5 ETH (about $8000), but needless to say, there are only a few projects that can set the price at 5 ETH.
But recently, team UD(Unlimited Dimension) has announced for the first time on their official Twitter to answer the doubts about the price, Jim the founder claims the first project DODOOR NFT will be minted on 0.05ETH (about $80).
This announcement shocked and confused loads of followers, and the comments are mixed, but team UD(Unlimited Dimension) claims that even though the first project cost lots of work and time for the whole team, it was created with the idea to call the world out for more attention on and protection of endangered animals, its value shouldn’t be determined by the team, it should be determined by each person who holds it. Team UD(Unlimited Dimension) wishes that their work can be acknowledged by the true followers of UD(Unlimited Dimension), Therefore, they offered more perks to their followers on Twitter by handpicking people to hand out whitelist spots.
It’s not hard to see that team UD(Unlimited Dimension) has solid confidence and a pure goal for their first project. After announcing the minting price, this project caught more and more people’s eyes. Let us look forward for their public mint for DODOOR NFT on Sep.26th!
Company:Unlimited Dimension
Contact Person: Teresa Smith
Email: unlimiteddimensionofficial@gmail.com
City:New York
Address:ATLANTA 1082 Hood Avenue