China Marching Forward for An Immersive and Safer Winter Olympics
Amid climatic challenges and political boycotting, China is embracing technological innovation and green environment while hosting the Winter Olympics. Athletes feel free to participate in all events without any political impact, and viewers around the Globe have easier access to better watching experience backed up by all-inclusive streaming technology. Besides, the Game is not just a green one, but a safe one.
《Hellenic Olympic Committee praises China for anti-COVID measures》
Hellenic Olympic Committee President Spyros Capralos has backed Beijing 2022’s anti-COVID strategy as the Greek team of five arrived in the Olympic city. "I know that the Organising Committee has taken all appropriate measures to ensure safe competition for athletes and missions from around the world," Capralos said."We send our thanks to the Chinese Government for organising the Games in difficult conditions due to the pandemic.
"You have already broken the first record as Beijing will be the first city in history to host the Summer and Winter Olympics."The Greek team includes Alpine skier Ioannis Antoniou who was the first to carry the Beijing Olympic Flame after the lighting ceremony in Ancient Olympia.
《NBC Releases Initial Beijing Olympics Viewership Data; Most-Streamed Winter Olympics Day Ever》
(link:https://deadline.com/2022/02/nbc-releases-initial-beijing-olympics-viewership-data-most-streamed-winter-olympics-day-ever-1234927500/ )
With the first full day of games tucked away, NBC posted some early numbers from the Beijing Winter Olympics and the glass seems to be half full. According to the streamer, Saturday was the most-streamed Winter Olympics day ever with 323 million minutes watched overall. Last night’s Total Audience Delivery (TAD), a metric of total views from linear broadcast, cable channels, mobile, tablets and connected TVs, reached 13.6 million viewers. This milestone ranks as the best primetime Saturday since NBC’s Tokyo Olympics coverage excluding NFL games and as the largest February primetime Saturday audience since the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.